Spring is in the air! Throw open the windows, clear out the cobwebs and refresh your wardrobe! Well, don't mind if I do!
I never hold onto clothes for long. Each season I reassess what I like and what isn't working. If I don't LOVE it, I pass it on to someone who can use it. This spring cleaning vibe has rubbed off my partner, Jon, much to my delight!
He recognised he wasn't wearing certain items anymore, mainly because they are falling apart! Unfortunately, the romance between you and a beloved t-shirt or old pair of favourite jeans does have to come to an end one day, but perhaps only in it's original form....
I've recycled the best parts of his favourite tops and worn out jeans to begin exciting new lives - as cushions!
He seems quite pleased with this idea and the new additions now take pride of place on our sofa. Not only that, it just might have solved the issue of the roaming remote, enjoying the novelty of pockets on show. Still haven't found any forgotten fiver's yet though..